Program Notes

Manage individual task lists for your teams, attach room set-up notes to programs, create standard text blocks to include in your rental quotes and agreements, and more!

See also, Status and Tasks, Configure a New Program, and Rentals.

Using program notes

Although referred to as program notes, these notes also appear for rental programs.

Common uses of program notes include:

Go to Settings > Program > Program Notes: Manage Tasks & To-Do's to create or manage global settings for program notes. Program notes will appear for all programs.


You may use the hamburger icon (the rectangular lines to the left of each program note) to arrange the order of the program notes. This order will be used for all programs.

An id/slug will be created automatically when you enter a Note category title and click on Save Changes. This id/slug is used to uniquely identify the program note - you may change the title and the default content at a later date, but you cannot change the id/slug from its original value. You may remove program notes that are no longer needed.

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Individual tasks lists for your team

Create a simple task list for your team members that can be viewed by everyone involved with the management of your programs, rentals, and events.

In Settings, you may enter default content for the program note. Entering default content is optional.


These program notes will appear for every program and include the default content if such was configured in Settings.

When viewing the program (advanced tab) you will be able to view the program notes and make updates. Updates made at the program level will affect that program only.

In Programs view, select the Program notes in Screen Options that you wish to monitor.

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Set-up and operational details for programs and rentals

Create room set-up details and other notes for your operations team that can be viewed by everyone involved with the management of your programs, rentals, and events.

In Settings, you may enter default content for the program note. Entering default content is optional.


When viewing the program (Edit Program) under the Advanced tab, you may see the program notes.

Initially, the default content will be displayed.

In this example, we included common set-up details for both the Forest View and Garden View meeting rooms. However, since only the Forest View room will be used for the Practice of Loving Kindness program, we can easily delete the Garden View notes. Modifications to the program note for this program will only affect this program - the global default content configured in Settings will remain unchanged.

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Kitchen notes to appear on the Meal Report

Create notes for your kitchen team, either to confirm standard meal times or notify them of special mealtimes for a certain program. Or, remind them of special coffee service or snack times.

In Reg Settings, you may enter default content for the program note. Entering default content is optional.

These kitchen notes will appear on the Meal Report.



See Rentals & BEO (Banquet Event Order) for more ways to use Program Notes & Manage your To-Do's.

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