Manually Assign a Guest Room

How to override the room auto-assigned by Retreat Guru by manually choosing a guest room.

Last Updated: February 2025


When a guest makes a booking that includes lodging, Retreat Guru will auto-assign a room based upon the program and Lodging Type configurations set for your center.

In some cases, you may wish to change that auto-assignment.


  • Due to a maintenance issue, the room originally assigned may no longer be available. Or you may wish to re-arrange assignments to facilitate easier housekeeping, like moving all rooms to a single building or floor, or to facilitate roommate requests.
  • In most cases, the guest does not know their actual room assignment until they arrive for check-in at your center. They only know that they booked a Lodging Type (or Room Type) of Ocean View PRIVATE or Forest SHARED or Single or Double.
  • Behind the scenes, however, Retreat Guru will assign an actual room to help you manage room inventory - to prevent overbooking. In most cases, this actual assignment is only visible only to your admin users.

See also, Switch room for guest during their stay.

Let's get into the details!


Change room

Access the Change room feature from the edit registration view (a.k.a the participant dashboard). Go to:
Registrations > (choose a registration to edit) > Room Assignment.

Or, from the rooms booking chart at Rooms > Room Bookings, hover over a guest's name. A pop-up will appear with information about the registration.

In the image below, Jill Gilliansky is registered for The Practice of Loving Kindness program. For her 3-night stay, her current lodging type is Single and her current room assignment is Room 104

Due to a last-minute maintenance issue, Room 104 is no longer available. You need to move Jill to Room 105.

The easiest way to move Jill from Room 104 to Room 105 is to click-and-hold the Jill Gillansky booking and drag-and-drop the booking to the new room line.

Alternatively, hover over the Jill Gilliansky booking on the chart, and click on Change room. A new dialog box will appear. Click on Show Rooms and check Show all available rooms if needed.

Click on the radio button next to Room 105 Single, then click Save. The Room Bookings chart will now show Jill Gilliansky assigned to Room 105.

Adjusting cost when changing rooms

Since we moved Jill to another room within the same lodging type in the example above there is no cost difference between her original room and her new room.

Well in advance of her arrival, our guest Jam Factory calls with a request to upgrade from the Double (shared) Lodging Type to the Single (hotel-style) Lodging Type. She is aware that the Double rents for $60 per night and the Single rents for $100 per night, and is willing to pay the difference.

On the room bookings chart, we can view Jam's current registration - she is assigned to Room 201 within the Double Lodging Type.

You see that Room 106 is available within the Single Lodging Type and decide to offer this room to Jam. You hover over the Jam's booking on the chart and click on Change room. A new dialog box appears. You click on Show Rooms, check Show all available rooms, and scroll to find Room 106.

Select the radio button next to Room 106 Single and then click Save. The room bookings chart will update to show Jam in Room 106.

This change is also reflected in Jam's registration.

Retreat Guru will not automatically change the rate for Jam's stay. If you want to charge Jam for the upgrade you must do so manually by adjusting Jam's registration.

In the Registration Transaction section of Jam's registration, we see that she has been charged $60 per night for lodging, for $180 total.

In the Room Assignment section of Jam's registration, click on Room 106 to see that the rate for that lodging type is $100 per night.

In the Room Assignment section of Jam's registration, click on Assign Lodging and choose Single - $320 from the drop-down menu, and then check Change the lodging amount from $180 to $320. Click on Save Changes.

You may have noticed earlier that when we viewed Room 106 the rate showed as Single - $100/night. For Jam's 3-night stay then, the total should be $300, right? But the new total is $320. Why the difference?

In our sample configuration, we had also enabled an automatic Weekend Price Adjustment of $20 for stays on Friday and Saturday.

Jam's stay begins on a Saturday, so Retreat Guru automatically added the $20 weekend price adjustment.

This Weekend and Weekday Pricing feature is available only with certain software subscription plans. Not sure if your center qualifies? Ask your friendly support guru.


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