Room Bookings Chart

The room bookings chart provides an overview of guests staying in your accommodations with helpful icons and an availability summary.

Room Bookings

From the main navigation go to Rooms > Room Bookings to view the chart.

Rooms are grouped by their Primary Room Type in this view. The Room Type is also referred to as the Lodging Type.

Booked rooms are indicated by a bar on the chart that spans their stay from the start date to end date. The bar shows the guest name and program name. If a color has been specified in the program configuration, the bar will be shown in that program's color. 

Rooms that are part of a room block appear greyed out and show the program name associated with the room block.

Select Filters and Reports to modify the view by date, room status, lodging type, beds, bed size, or room specifics. Or, use the drop-down selector to jump to a specific program (date range); check Just blocked rooms to see only rooms associated with the program's room block.

The Start on date picker and show "x" days allows you to further define the view. For example, if you enter a Start on date of Aug 23, choose to show 7 days, and click on Go, the view will change to display a chart with those constraints. The << Prev and Next >> will also change to << Prev 7 and Next 7 >> for easy paging.

Room availability summary

Expand all and Collapse all will affect the full view of rooms organized by their Primary Room Type (also referred to as Primary Lodging Type). Click the tiny up or down arrow associated with a specific Primary Room Type to expand or collapse that individual Primary Room Type.

Availability indicates the number of spaces by Primary Room Type that are available to be booked during the currently displayed date range. Generally, a room is available to be booked if it is not already assigned to a guest or not part of a room block.

Bookings show the number of spaces that have been assigned to a guest. Rooms that are in a room block but not yet assigned to a guest are not included in the Bookings number.

Click on Show lodging availability to display the number of spaces by Primary Room Type that are available to be booked. 


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