Create or Edit Questions

Questions are custom fields that enable you to collect information from your guests.

Questions (form fields) are the primary method of collecting information during program registration or rental inquiry. 

You can access your existing questions or create new ones by selecting Questions from the main menu.


Click on an existing question to edit, or click Add New.


The option to choose a Form type - Registration or Rental - will appear only if you have the Rentals feature enabled.

  • Registration questions appear on program registration forms for individual guests.
  • Rental questions (custom fields) are displayed on your rental inquiry forms.


The Question field is the question name or title that guests will see on your forms. It is also used as the column name if you add your question to any reports. 

Input Type and Input Options

The Input Type determines how your customers will answer your questions. Options include: single or multiple lines of text, radio buttons, checkboxes, drop-down lists, dates, and special types.

 Depending on the Input Type you select, different options will be displayed.

The Multiple Checkboxes question type allows you to configure multiple options for guests to choose from, and they can choose as many of those options as they wish.

Question types like Radio Buttons, and Drop-down, also allow you to configure multiple options for guests to choose from but a guest may choose only one of the available options.

The Message (HTML) input type creates a read-only question type that conveys information to the person completing the form. You may include basic HTML formatting in the Input Options Content box.

When viewing the online registration form, this Important notice - Message type question will appear as shown below.
The Heading separator input type will add a custom section to your online registration form. In the example below, we have named our new section "Another Section".


This option is not included in our base plans but can be added on as part of a package. Please contact your friendly Retreat Guru support team for more information.

Conditional questions will appear only when a certain answer is selected for another question. For example, if someone indicates that they have a pre-existing medical condition, you'll often want more information.

When you select Show when a condition is met, you'll be able to choose when this question will appear on the registration form. You can choose from a drop-down menu of other existing questions and what answer would make this new question appear. 

Conditional questions only support certain question types (drop-down list, radio buttons, single or multiple checkboxes) - you can only create a conditional question based on these question types.

The question referenced in our example uses Input Type = multiple checkboxes.

Question order is important with conditional questions. Your conditional question should display immediately after the primary one.
You can do this by dragging and dropping the questions on the main question page.

This is how the final result is displayed on the registration form when the condition is not met.

And when it is met.
 Help Text

Add help text to assist guests in answering a question. 

The Edit Question view:

The help text as it appears on the registration form.

Default Status

Set the default status of the Question as Enabled by default and/or Required by default. These settings will be automatically applied when creating a new Program.

Save to

This checkbox determines how a question is saved to a registration.

Person - think of a Person as a folder of registrations for a guest. If you have a guest who attends 5 of your retreats, their registrations will be in this folder. Saving a question to a person means that the question is saved to the folder. Each time the guest registers the previous answer is overwritten, only the most recent answer is kept.

Registration - this means the question is saved only to a specific registration. If a guest registers for 5 retreats, each of the 5 registrations may have a different answer to this question. For example, Will you be arriving early? The guest may have answered, "Yes", for some but not all of their registrations.


There are many situations where you want to see a particular question in a report. Check the box to add it as a column in the respective report.

If you check the box next to Registrations view, or Waiting list view, or People view, you will also need to select them from the Screen Options on those views so that the data will appear as a column.

If you check the box next to Room Bookings view, the information will appear in the pop-up window when you hover over a booking.

If the form type is Rental, for Display > Forms you can choose Initial Inquiry, Secondary Form or Admin-only.

Initial Inquiry will add the question to your initial rental inquiry form, Secondary Form will add the question to the (optional) follow-up inquiry form, and Admin-only will add the question to the rental information page where it may be viewed by your admin users only - it will not be visible to rental clients.

Waiting List view

 These questions will be included on your waiting list form. This is a global setting that affects all of your programs. Waiting list questions cannot be modified per program. If you check the box indicating that the program is Required by default on your registration form, it will be required on the waiting list form as well. Read more about the Waiting List feature.

Admin only

These questions will only be visible to team members. Participants cannot see these questions.

Secondary registration form

To keep the initial online registration form short and easy to complete, many centers use a two-part registration process. Their online registration form includes only those questions absolutely needed to secure the booking - name, email, lodging type, gender identification, etc. Then, in a follow-up email, they send a link to the guest requesting additional information.

Read more about Secondary Form Questions and the Guest-Edit link. 


This option allows you to restrict viewing to only certain user roles. Only the team member roles that you select will be able to view this question. This is useful if you would like to increase the privacy of a particular answer. 


rg-favicon-32Here at Retreat Guru we never get tired of questions :) If you have comments or additional questions please reach out and contact your friendly neighbourhood support guru