Advanced Question Options

These additional options allow for more complex registration forms and control of guest data.

In this article, we'll cover these advanced options, conditional display, and permissions. See also, Secondary Questions.

These advanced features are available only with certain software subscription plans. Not sure if your center qualifies? Ask your friendly support guru.

Display Condition (for Conditional Questions)

You can make questions on your initial or secondary registration forms conditional. This means that they will only appear if someone selects a certain answer to another question.

Example: if someone answers that they have a pre-existing medical question you'll often want more information

When you select show when a condition is met you'll be able to pick when this question will show on the registration form. You can choose from a drop-down of other, existing questions, and what answer would make this new question show up. 


Conditional questions only support certain question types (drop-down list, radio buttons, single or multiple checkboxes). This means you can only create a conditional question based on these question types. If you take a look a look at the question referenced in our example you can see it uses radio buttons.



Question order is important with conditional questions. Your conditional question must display immediately after the primary one. You can do this by dragging and dropping the questions on the main questions page.


This is how the final result displays on the registration form when the condition is met.


And when it is not met



This option gives you the ability to edit the internal visibility of question answers. Only the team member roles selected in the field will be able to view this question. This is useful if you would like to increase the privacy of a particular answer.


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