Flag a Person to Highlight Registrations

When a flag is set for a person, their registrations will be color-coded on the dashboard and registrations view.

Note: this feature must be activated by Retreat Guru before it appears as an option for you to configure. Contact our support team for details on activating this feature.


Sometimes, there is information about a guest or program participant that your team needs to be aware of when viewing that person's registrations.

For example, you may wish to flag people in these situations:

  • Balance due on their registration.
  • Special requests for housekeeping (allergic to feather pillows).
  • Major donor (to receive special amenity package upon arrival).
  • Has a package or message (to present to them upon arrival).

Configure the special question

With this feature, you can configure a special admin-only Question with input options that will cause all registrations associated with a flagged person to be color-highlighted on the dashboard and registrations views.

This special Question is the one with the slug flagged. A slug is a code used within Retreat Guru to uniquely identify a Question. You may rename the question, but you cannot change the slug code.

The Person flags question - slug flagged - should specify the Form as Registration, have an Input type of Multiple checkboxes, and have Saved to set to Person.

 Here's an example.

Flag a person

When configured properly, this special question will appear in the Person fields section of the admin view of a Registration.
In the example shown, we have configured the special Question called Person flags (the one with the slug flagged) as a multi-checkbox input type.
We have also created an admin-only Question called FLAG notes that we use to capture additional details.
Another special admin-only Question has the slug black_listed. You may rename the question, but you cannot change the slug code.
Checking the Black listed Question does not prevent the person from registering - it is just a visual indicator to your team that special action may be necessary before their arrival on your property or participation in an online program.
You may wish to create an additional admin-only Question called Black listed notes to capture the reason for marking a person as Black listed

Color-coded registrations

If a person is flagged using this special Question, all registrations associated with that person will be highlighted in blue on the Dashboard and in the Registrations view.
When the Flag a person feature is enabled, registrations with a balance due will be highlighted in yellow. The yellow balance due highlight will take precedence over the blue-flagged highlight. That is, if a person is flagged and they have a balance due on registration, their registration will be highlighted in yellow.

When the Black listed question is checked, registrations associated with that person will be highlighted in dark grey on the Dashboard and Registrations view.

The best practice for registrars or front desk teams is to review flags in effect upon guest arrival and release flags that no longer apply. (The balance due flag will automatically reset when the registration balance due is paid in full.)


rg-favicon-32 Flag 'em to find 'em easily!

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